31DC2014 Day 31: Honor Nails You Love
Woohoo! I just passed a man wearing an A-board and shouting “The End is nigh! The End is nigh!”...
1st October 2014615 -
31DC2014 Day 30: A Tutorial
Geometric Triangles is what I chose for the second last day’s theme: Inspired by a Tutorial. I wanted something...
30th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 29: The Supernatural
Day 29 and only two more to go! Wowee! Today is Inspired by the Supernatural. I could have...
29th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 28: A Flag – Arr Pirate!
Ahoy me Hearties! We are nearing the end of the 31 Day Challenge for 2014 with Day 28: Inspired...
28th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 27: Artwork – Kandinsky
Being both an Art School / Design grad, I was quite looking forward to the theme of Day 27:...
27th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 26: A Pattern
Moar Geometry, MOAR!! Theme for Day 26 is A Pattern. So voila, here it is: A pattern. Feel...
26th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 25: Fashion – BR x Marimekko
Day 25 is ‘Inspired by Fashion’. Another one I find fun – I like these kinds of creative tasks. I decided...
25th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 24: A Book – Ubik
Day 24 and we are almost at the end of this EPIC challenge for another year! Wow. Today’s theme...
24th September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 23: A Movie… Flowers In The Attic
Day 23’s theme was Inspired by A Movie. I even decided to colour it a little more like an older...
23rd September 2014 -
31DC2014 Day 22: Inspired By A Song
Day 22 and we are powering through the challenge. But ugh! My poor cuticles are starting to feel the...
22nd September 2014