Thought I should do a more relaxed challenge. I find it hard to commit to regular Challenges because of the time structure and some of the things plaguing me don’t always make it easy to do so. I like the flexibility of this one and the broadness in it’s ability for interpretation. So that’s good enough for me.
I might not do them all, but I will do some of them. You’ll also notice that if you do the 31 Day Challenge in September, as many like myself attempt to, there are no dates in September for this reason so no fear of clashing.
This is the official schedule. So this week will be “D” as I am starting late.
It is open to anyone who wants to lob on and you can do as much or as little as you wish. Whether you have a blog, FB, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or none. There are InLinkz on Emiline’s website that will open each week so you can follow there if you wish to add yours each week. The official hashtag is #nailpolishsocietyabc
Read more on the official web post on Nail Polish Society‘s website.