Continuing with the 31 Day Challenge for 2018. We’ve hit Day 28’s Inspired by a Flag – and my least favourite, prompt. Considering I normally completely take the piss for this prompt, for this year I bucked my own trend and chose to do the Gay Pride flag. [Explore entries on Instagram #31DC2018 ]
I understand that everyone has their own views on this, and that’s fine, but personally to me Love Is Love and I’m all for equal rights in that respect. Why shouldn’t our friends be allowed to love whomever they choose, no matter what package of sex or gender identity that comes in, right? More of the world has been catching on and so that is one reason I sort of did something ‘sensible’ for this year’s Flag prompt. I still think it is the low-part of all the themes, the low hanging fruit if you will. But at least it can represent something important, and not so comedic for a change.
I did a mixed matte & gloss finish. The flag is glossy to stand out. But I used a mattified gel base in a lovely black sparkle, and then created the lines using a rainbow palette of stamping polish. I started to get a bit sloppy and off register in parts (oops! blame tiredness) but you get the gist of it. I think the colours work well together and I was happy I had the polishes I needed to create a fairly close representation of the flag. Shown below:
NERD FACT! Time: The original 6-band rainbow flag was created as symbol of the gay community in 1978 by a San Francisco based, American artist Gilbert Baker. He died in 2017 sometime, and it actually originally had 8 colours, but 2 were removed for printing purposes (print production back then had different technologies to today) as it was more practical and convenient at the time to remove those two colours for mass production. The pink stripe being too expensive, and the turquoise stripe removed so there were an even number.
In 2015 MoMA acquired his original flag – that required 30 people to help dye and sew. //END NERD FACT.
So now that you know mine, what is your least favourite theme of the Challenge??
And that wraps up my 31DC2018 Day 28: Inspired by a Flag – Gay Pride Flag mani.
Please read my Intro Post to see what goals and aims I have set for nail art in this year’s 31 Day Challenge. And how to join us or post your links so they appear in the group photo grid (InLinkz) below.
See some of the other participants in the InLinkz below my social liks, or check out the official hashtag on Instagram. You can also follow me on Instagram here – please do come and comment or say hi so I can see what you’re doing 🙂
I appreciate and read all the comments, so feel free to leave your thoughts below.
- Hit The Bottle: @hit_the_bottle #hitthebottle IN:
- Drop Red Gorgeous
- Midnight umpkin
- Hello Buttercup
- Seas The Day
- Blue-tiful
- Paint The Town Violet
- Black Diamonds – Opallac (Website)
- Gel Matte Top Coat (launched yesterday!) – @opallacgelpolish #opallac
- Holy Shapes 19 – MoYou London: @moyou_london #moyoulondon